getPathLengths - Calculate path lengths from the tree root


getPathLengths calculates the unweighted (number of steps) and weighted (distance) path lengths from the root of a lineage tree.


getPathLengths(graph, root = "Germline", field = NULL, exclude = NULL)


igraph object containing an annotated lineage tree.
name of the root (germline) node.
annotation field to use for exclusion of nodes from step count.
annotation values specifying which nodes to exclude from step count. If NULL consider all nodes. This does not affect the weighted (distance) path length calculation.


A data.frame with columns:

  • name: node name
  • steps: path length as the number of nodes traversed
  • distance: path length as the sum of edge weights


# Define example graph
graph <- ExampleTrees[[24]]

# Consider all nodes
getPathLengths(graph, root="Germline")

            name steps distance
1      Inferred1     1       20
2 GN5SHBT04CW57C     2       26
3      Inferred2     3       28
4 GN5SHBT08I7RKL     4       29
5 GN5SHBT04CAVIG     5       30
6       Germline     0        0
7 GN5SHBT01D6X0W     2       22
8 GN5SHBT06H7TQD     6       31
9 GN5SHBT05HEG2J     4       33

# Exclude nodes without an isotype annotation from step count
getPathLengths(graph, root="Germline", field="c_call", exclude=NA)

            name steps distance
1      Inferred1     0       20
2 GN5SHBT04CW57C     1       26
3      Inferred2     1       28
4 GN5SHBT08I7RKL     2       29
5 GN5SHBT04CAVIG     3       30
6       Germline     0        0
7 GN5SHBT01D6X0W     1       22
8 GN5SHBT06H7TQD     4       31
9 GN5SHBT05HEG2J     2       33

See also

See buildPhylipLineage for generating input trees.